The sequel of the series would release 2 years after the original in 2004, and with it came so many vast improvements and additions to the experience. This time around the whole gang was useable in the field. With Bentley using tranquilizer darts and mini-bombs to neutralize enemies and Murray becoming the gang’s powerhouse. This time around the Cooper Gang had learned that although Clockwerk had been defeated, his parts were being kept in a museum. So the beginning of the game shows the gang breaking into this museum to steal the parts and get rid of Clockwerk for good, however they’re caught by Inspector Carmelita Fox and her new partner Constable Neyla. They say that the parts have already been stolen and hint it was done by a group known as the Klaww Gang (Dimitri, Rajan, Contessa, Jean Bison, Arpeggio, Neyla). After escaping from the two of them, Sly and the gang immediately set their sights on the Klaww Gang and retrieving the Clockwerk parts.
At the beginning of this Neyla plays into the flirty side that Sly showcases with Carmelita and even tips him off on some info they receive on the Klaww Gang. However, after taking down Rajan in the jungle, Neyla betrays the Cooper Gang and Carmelita alongside prison warden the Contessa, as they are both secret members of the Klaww Gang which results in Sly and Murray being arrested, and Carmelita being framed for Neyla and the Contessa’s actions. This results in Bentley having to combat his nerves and face his fears to save his best friends. After dealing with the rest of the Klaww Gang all that remained was Arpeggio and his protege Neyla. Arpeggio wanted to combine his mind with the Clockwerk body to make up for his bodies physical failures and to become immortal, however at the last moment he was betrayed by Neyla as well. Neyla would be the one to merge with Clockwerk’s body and would create Clock-La. The Cooper Gang would ultimately take down Clock-La, but without a cost. Bentley would end up getting caught in Clock-La’s beak while planting a bomb to reveal the Hate Chip to destroy it, which resulted in his legs being paralyzed. With the Hate Chip is ultimately crushed under Carmelita’s boot with Sly by her side, and they watch as the pristine and perfect metal that had just gone through several explosions just now began to disintegrate. Carmelita then says that she must still arrest the Cooper Gang, Sly knowing that with the condition they were in they couldn’t escape this time and asks for her to let Bentley and Murray walk. She agrees, and Bentley and Murray would leave behind their gear before leaving. Sly and Carmelita would enjoy an in-depth and fun conversation with each other on the wait to turning Sly in, until Carmelita realized that their supposed to be 30-minute ride had turned into 2 hours. Bentley and Murray left Sly one last gift of taking out the helicopter pilot and setting it to fly in circles, giving Sly the opportunity to parachute out as Carmelita went to check on the Pilot.